questions and answers

All questions about Relifa and your shopping experience

General and legal questions

Yes, cannabis seeds can be legally purchased in Germany for the purpose of private cultivation due to the new Consumption Cannabis Act (KCanG). (See the Federal Government's FAQ .) However, please check regularly whether there have been any relevant changes to the law in your country.

No, any adult can buy and grow cannabis seeds. However, you can only grow a maximum of three cannabis plants at a time and only for your own consumption - you cannot share your harvest. You can then possess or store a total of 50 g of dried cannabis at your place of residence.

The seeds may only be used for home cultivation and the flowers for personal consumption. Whether you use them for a relaxing evening afterwards or consume the cannabis for therapeutic reasons is your free choice!

ordering process

We accept the following payment providers [before Golive]. The debit is made without reference to cannabis products and is therefore very discreet.

Shipping & Delivery

We ship our cannabis seeds throughout the EU, as long as shipping to the respective country is legal. Within Germany, smaller orders are sent by letter including shipment tracking.

Shipping is via regular mail and therefore normally takes no longer than 2 - 3 working days within Germany.

The shipment will be made in an anonymous envelope so that your neighbors and the postman do not find out about your hobby directly ;-).

Please use the contact form to inform us about the incident. We will then contact the shipping service provider and resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

Support & Contact

Of course, you can change or cancel any order afterwards! Simply use our contact form LINK SELFRETURN

You can reach us at any time via the contact form or